Monday, August 28, 2006

Cactus Cup and Atlanta Market

Well, Jay says everyone had a wonderful time in Myrtle Beach for the Cactus Cup. We both got home pretty late in the evening last night, so I'm getting details in pieces. Unfortunately Jay was pretty sick with some kinda yuck, but it didn't seem to prevent him from having a great time. I hope to see pictures of this soon.

I, on the other hand, was hard at work in Atlanta working for Claire's Collection evening gowns. I do love those gowns, but after a while the whole "trying on thing" becomes exhausting. I worked with a really nice girl who was full of personality so it made the days go by much faster.

Little Man was at "puppy camp" and loved every minute of it. I had a very difficult time tearing him away from his grandparents' house and the frisbee.

Jay, Little Man, and I are all together now. Hurray! Little Man is in dire need of a bath. Jay Hewitt is working and training, and I'm working diligently in the house, in the yard, and as a consultant.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are you ever going to post anything again?

Hope you're having a good day, etc. and are OK with having to give up your crown.
